Thursday, January 21, 2010

The "Perfect" Day

All of us at one time or another have probably had that perfect day when everything went great and was full of joy. Maybe it was your wedding day, a day at the beach or just a day at home with the house all to yourself. Think back to what you did, how you felt and why is was the perfect day.

Today's prompt:
Describe your perfect day (either one you experienced or what it would be like if you could create it!).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Do you believe in superstitions? Or are you skeptical that any such thing exists?

Today's Prompt:
Write about whether you believe in superstitions and why or why not.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Jewel

If you could be any precious stone, what would it be? A diamond, ruby or sapphire? Maybe it would be a pearl? Where did it come from? Why do you choose this particular gem? What story would it tell?

Today's Prompt:
Write about precious gem. Describe what it looks like, why you chose it and what it means to you.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Dream for a moment. Imagine you have just won the lottery and became your state's newest millionaire. How would you spend this money? What would you do first? Talk about about how you would manage it and whether you would share it with anyone.

Today's Prompt:
Write about what you would do if you became a millionaire overnight.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Childhood Memory

When you were a child, did you have a favorite park or best friend? Was there an activity you were particularly fond of? Think back to your childhood and recall a favorite childhood memory. Bring it back to life as you write about what that memory was and meant to you.

Today's Prompt:
Write about your favorite childhood memory.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Favorite Place

Do you have a favorite place? Maybe it's somewhere you vacationed or lived? Perhaps it's a place where you frequently go or have only visited once? Where is this place? What does it look like and how does it make you feel? Why is it your favorite place?

Today's Prompt:
Describe your favorite place and write about why it's your favorite.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Rain, sleet, snow or sun...warm, cold, etc...pick and write from a weather point of view. What would it look and feel like to be rainy and cold or be a snowstorm?

Today's Prompt:
Pick a type of weather and write about it from a "weather" point of view.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Words

Five random words. Change, Trail, Cream, Shape and Friend.

Today's Prompt:
Write these five words down in your journal and write a paragraph about what each means to you.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Review a Book

What was the last book you read? What did you like about it; not like about it? Did you learn anything? Would you have changed the ending? How so? Just a few ideas to get you thinking about writing a review of a book. Have fun with it!

Today's Prompt:

Write a "review" of the last book you read.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Most Memorable Birthday

So many birthdays...but which one is your favorite and why? Describe what you did, who you celebrated with and what made it special.

Today's Prompt:

Write about your most memorable birthday.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Your First Home

What do you remember about your first home? How did it make you feel? Did you have your own room? Where was it located? Describe it.

Today's Prompt:
Write about your first home as you remember it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Pick a Stranger

Yes, I know it sounds odd, but pick a stranger in restaurant, coffee shop or wherever you may be and write about this person as you imagine they may be.

Today's Prompt:
Pick a stranger. Describe what they look like, what they are doing, speculate what they are thinking...have fun writing a story about what you think their life may be, where they are going, what their family may be like, etc...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

If an object could speak...

Animate an object. Look around the room you are sitting in and pick an object. Write the name of the object on a piece of paper and start writing about what this object would say to you if it could speak. Give it a voice.

Today's Prompt:
Pick an object and write about what it would say to you in its own voice.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here I am...

When in doubt about what to write, use this technique. Start with "Here I Am..." and start writing whatever comes to mind and let it take you wherever it leads you.

Today's Prompt:

Here I am...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Month of January

January brings us a new year. For some of us it means a long month of frigid cold while others are celebrating birthdays, etc...

Today's Prompt:
Write about January. Describe what you think of when you think "January". Do you plan a vacation every year during this time? Do you hunker down and enjoy indoor activities while its cold outside or do you love to ski in it???

Monday, January 4, 2010

Joyous Moment

All of us have experienced a point in our lives when for that moment in time, life felt perfect. It's a great feeling isn't it? Why not relive it and what it felt like?

Today's Prompt:

Describe a time in your life when you felt the most joy. Talk about what happened, what it felt like and what joy means to you.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

If You Were a Character in a Book

What if you were a character in a book or in a movie? What would your character be like?

Today's Prompt:

Describe yourself as if you were a character in a book or movie.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

100 Things That Make Me Smile

Lists are a great way to find a topic if you are stuck about what to write. After making a list pick one or more of the items and write about why that item makes you smile.

Today's Prompt:

List 100 things that make you smile.

Friday, January 1, 2010

What Does a New Year Mean to You?

Hello Everyone!

I'm a newbie to the blogging world! So, why am I here???

I created this blog in hopes of motivating myself and others to write. Unleashing creativity is good for your soul!

Writing is a great outlet to release your thoughts, ideas and learn about yourself but if you're like me, you need structure and guidance along with commaraderie to do it.

If so, let's take this journey together!

Grab a journal (any kind will do!) and follow my daily prompts to get your mental juices flowing.

My three rules:

1.) Don't sensor yourself while writing - just write (you can always come back later to edit)
2.) Set a time limit - 10 minutes is prefectly fine (more if you like)
3.) Pick a time of day - best yet, schedule it on your calendar (and stick to it)

Grab your favorite cup of coffee (or tea if you prefer) and start writing!

Today's Prompt:

"What does a new year mean to you?"